January 2021 Update

We look forward to seeing our pupils again when our spring term starts on Monday 4th January. Following the government’s latest tier review placing Kent in tier 4, we are unfortunately having to close the studio doors once more and will be transitioning back online for the start of the spring term. Classes will be delivered via Zoom and Katieanne’s Private Facebook Pages as they were during previous lockdowns and all login codes can be found in the relevant Google Classrooms. We are also in the process of uploading some pre-recorded classes where possible as an alternative option for those who can’t access the online classes; These can also be found in the Google Classrooms. Please do bear with us whilst we continue to add this pre-recorded material though as it is an ongoing process which does take time to set up.

Thank you for your continued support as always. We look forward to keeping you all dancing again in 2021. Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!